We’ve helped over 176263 people successfully enter into the United States. We can help you too!

TravelAssist Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TravelAssist? Why should I apply through you?

We are a specialized company in processing US visa application. We provide assistant services for your travels in the US and help you prepare all the paperwork on your behalf. We will check your prepared application file to make sure your application has the highest possible prospect of success.

You can use our services to increase your chances of having a successful U.S. Visitor Visa.

Why do I have to pay again to schedule an appoinment? I already paid the visa fee!

The $175 fee is used to process your application and it also gives you access to our Premium Support. Our reasonably-priced service strives to offer you and all our clients, a stress-free experience in processing the application and having a personal agent to take care of all your questions.

If my visa gets denied, will I get my money back?

The fee that you paid is an application fee. Everyone who applies for a U.S. visa anywhere in the world must pay this fee, which covers the cost of processing your application.

How long does it takes to get a US Visa?

The processing times for the B-1 visas is not exact. It can take a couple of weeks or a few months for your visa to be processed. This depends on the workload of the US Embassy and other factors that they take into consideration.

Processing times for B-2 tourist visas and US visitor visas, in general, differ from country to country. Typically, your visa can be processed for a few weeks up to a few months.

Since the transit visa is for a short duration of time, its processing time is generally faster than for other visas. From the time you submit your application, expect to wait for a minimum of 5 working days to receive a response on your visa status.

Additional: Tourist visas will typically only take a few days (but can take longer), and student visas will take slightly longer. This is in part due to heightened screening requirements, background, and criminal checks, as well as increased reliance on mailing applications and requiring interviews.

Your application will be processed immediately once payment has been received. We will email you as soon as it gets completed, If there is missing information, we will contact you so please always check your email and keep your lines open.

Can I change the info on a DS-160 form after having booked the appointment and the visa fee?

Yes. This only applies for applicants who are applying alone, NO FAMILY MEMBERS ADDED.

Create a new application and login to the account where you have taken an appointment for biometrics and interview.

Update your profile there with the NEW DS-160 APPLICATION NUMBER and submit. Carry both the new DS-160 form and appointment confirmation for the session. No need to carry the one with the old application number as their system will be updated with the new number.

Do I need a visa for a connecting flight through the US?

All flights that stop in the USA require passengers to go through USA immigration and customs. You either need a visa waiver or a visa. It does not matter how short the stop is in the USA, you need the same required paperwork as if you were staying in the US for a visit.

My flight is tomorrow, can I apply for a transit visa?

If there is not sufficient time to get a visa, or you do not wish to apply for one, you'll need to get ( your company - if applicable) to change your flights to a routing that does not cross the United States, which will likely involve the payment of a change fee and the difference in fare.

Can I change my B1 visa to a F1?

If you currently hold B-1 nonimmigrant status and would like to enroll in a course of study, you will need to choose between the following two options:
A. Reentry to the United States (Leave USA and get a visa from a US consulate)
B. Change of Status inside the United States (Usually takes 90–180 days)

GovAssist, LLC
GovAssist LLC 1629 K St., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006, United States, Tel: +1-856-556-3505